lundi 25 juin 2012

Sketchy Sunday Story Week 2: It’s Live and full of surprises.
Today is my birthday but i already had a great present several weeks ago. The great Rapper/writer/poet/singer Oxmo Puccinocame to Brussles to end his tour. I was not supposed to be there since I had no ticket and no money to get one. But life is full of surprises and with the help of my close friend Ti Max, finally I got in. I experienced a beautiful concert, a magical moment and full of emotions.
I started drawing to embrace the special atmosphere. Usually I do concert drawing with a japanese black brush-pen made for calligraphy. I love it because it shapes easily the typical contrast and the energy of live concerts. But this time i just had a regular pen, and I realized I never did concert drawing so precise and vivid. And that’s exactly what I like about drawing live concerts: It’s live and full of surprises!!
This colorization is an attempt to capture what I couldn’t during the concert. The warm and intimate feeling Oxmo and his two wonderful musicians created. I hope you enjoy it as much i did while making it.
That’s will be all this week….
See you next for a new Sketchy Sunday!
Sketchy Sunday Week 2
Location:  Botanique. Brussels
You can discover the wonderful music and news of OXMO here
And don’t miss the Story behind, go read the Sketchy Sunday Story!

dimanche 17 juin 2012

Sketchy Sunday Story

Sketchy Sunday Story Week 1: Moment de paix à la Bourse.
Ce que vous voyez ci-dessus, est un homme d’apparence normal qui médite, rien de si spécial me direz-vous? Peut-être, mais l’élément plus particulier concerne l’endroit où il méditait….
Cet homme d’allure tout a fait commune s’est mis à méditer sur les marches d’un monument très touristique. Pour qui connaît le centre de Bruxelles, il était sur les marches de la Bourse.
Personne n’a semblé y prêter attention, il a sorti ses chaussures, s’est assis dessus, a couvert ses jambes avec son manteau et a commencé très “tranquillement” à méditer.
De temps en temps, il faisait un signe vers le ciel, comme si l’y envoyaient des messages et des ondes positivent.
C’était un spectacle vraiment paisible et particulier. Il ne semblait pas essayer de prouver quoi que se soit ou de se donner en spectacle. Juste d’avoir un moment de calme et d’intimité dans une place publique très fréquentée et très bruyante.
Je n’ai pas pu résister à le dessiner et je suis très fier de ce dessin rapide.
Petite anecdote: il m’a fallu pas mal de temps pour comprendre de ce qu’il faisait. Qui aurait cru que l’on pouvait se construire son propre ilot de tranquillité dans le centre d’une grande ville, au milieu d’un samedi après-midi. Rien n’est impossible, c’est juste une question de conviction!
C’est tout pour l’histoire derrière le Sketchy Sunday …
Rendez-vous la semaine prochaine pour une nouvelle
Plus bas vous pouvez écoutez la musique que j’avais dans les oreilles durant ce moment particulier. 
Sketchy Sunday Story !
Peace at the Bourse.
What you see above, is a man with normal appearance meditating. Nothing so special here, you say? Maybe, but the crazy thing was where he was meditating….This man started to meditate on the stairs of a very touristic monument. For there who knows the heart of Brussels, he was on the steps of the monument call “la Bourse”. 
Nobody seemed to pay attention, he took off his shoes, sat on them, covered his legs with his coat and started very quietly to meditate.
Occasionally, he made a sign to the sky, as if he was sending messages and positives vibes.
The scene was really quiet and private. he did not seem to try to prove anything at all or putting on a show. He just had a calm and privacy moment on a public crowded and very noisy 
I couldn’t resist to draw it and I’m very proud of this quick drawing. 
Crazy thing. It took me some time before I realized what he was doing. 
Who knew you could build your own island of tranquility in the center of a major city in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. Nothing is impossible, it’s just a matter of conviction!
That’s all for the story behind the Sketchy Sunday … 
See you next week for a new Sketchy Sunday Story!
Here the song i was listening while i was doing this drawing.

Sketchy Sunday Week1

Salut à tous!
Voici un nouveau “Rendez vous” que je lance,
Le Sketchy Sunday!!
Tous ceux qui me connaissent savent que je ne sors jamais sans au moins un carnet de croquis (et bien souvent deux ou trois).
Capturant sur papier tout ce qui interpelle mes yeux ou mon esprit. C’est en quelques sortes mon journal intime.
Alors, pourquoi ne pas commencer à le partager, pensais-je? Ce sera surement plus malin que de les laisser prendre la poussière dans mes tiroirs.
Alors voilà, c’est parti ! Chaque dimanche, je posterai une sélection de ma production hebdomadaire.
Nous l’appellerons le «Sketchy dimanche»!
Et parce que derrière chaque dessin il ya un moment de “vie”, chaque dimanche je vous dévoilerai la petite histoire derrière l’un d’eux.
Alors, bienvenue au premier “Sketchy Sunday”!
En espérant que vous aurez autant de plaisir à découvrir tous ces croquis que moi j’ai en les dessinant.
Hi there

Here is a new “Rendez vous” that I run,

The Sketchy Sunday!

Anyone who knows me knows that I never leave without at least a sketchbook (and often two or three).

Capturing on paper all that appealing to my eyes or my mind. This is somehow my diary.

So why not start to share it, I thought? This will surely be smarter than to let them gather dust in my drawers.

So here we go! Every Sunday, I’ll post a selection of my weekly production.

We call this the “Sketchy Sunday!”

And because behind each drawing there is a “life” moment, every Sunday I will reveal the story behind one of them.

So welcome to the first “Sketchy Sunday!”

Hoping you have as much fun to discover all these sketches that I have in the drawing.

Miki Gold

jeudi 14 juin 2012

Bâo new design

Bd kid noize rough

Bd Kidnoize

Cette bd a été réalisé a partir du premier clip inédit de Kid Noize. A partir des images du clip.

Comic page created toward the first video clip of The band Kid Noize.

dimanche 8 avril 2012


mardi 3 avril 2012

Miss camille suite

My favorite and more in the Drew Struzan style...

Ma préféré qui est plus dans le style de Drew Struzan.

Miss Camille

Portrait of the singer Miss Camille! Did it after discovering her last song … “The other woman”, beautiful one.

And also was a good exercice to improve my skills for portait painting.

Portrait de la merveilleuse chanteuse Miss Camille après la découverte de sa dernière chanson the other woman"... Un petit trésor musicale d'une sincérité contagieuse.

Il s'agissait d'un bel exercice pour travailler mon trait pour les portrait. Une de mes grandes faiblesse... Encore une fois entièrement réaliser sur ordinateur!

samedi 24 mars 2012


Pick up art

Here the cover of my comivcs/blog project i still working on, about seduction, dance, self devellopment and so may things...
Will be tune soon...

mercredi 21 mars 2012

Bâo writing process (suite)

In the opening of the movie, Bâo will look down upon the city of Paris.
A little like the major Kusanagi in the opening of the masterpiece animation movie of Mamoru Oshi: Ghost in the Shell. I love the atmosphere of it...

Bâo Robots

Here some rough sketches made during the writing process of my animation movie project Bâo...

The story grow and my imagination go wild...

For the records it is a sneak peek of the end of the story! :-)

Kid Noize lost illustration

This is a old illustration for the Kid Noize project. Never used in the final round, so I decide to give it a new life and finalize the first draft.
I'm really proud of the energy that come out from the light and the colors.
After having spend 3 month mostly writing for my animation movie project, i was glad to go back drawing... again on computer!

jeudi 1 mars 2012


